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grup tuttuğum takım
Çavuş Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 203 ileti
Yer: İslambol
İş: Öğrencİ
Kayıt: 20-08-2009 21:09

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kırık link bildirimi Kırık Link Bildir! #341017 23-08-2009 17:42 GMT-1 saat    

The dictionary says:

Friend (frend) noun.
1. A person whom one knows, likes and trusts.
2. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; comrade.
3. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group.
4. An acquaintance.

The dictionary makes one small omission tho.
It doesn't speak of the years that a friendship endures,
the laughter that fills the air when friends are together,
the support, understanding and comfort a friend can offer or
the anguish you cannot escape from when a friend is dying.
The dictionary, I'm afraid, cannot begin to define the word:


So then what is this magic called Friendship?
Is there a magic wand that silently transforms you and
those special people on a jouney into,
what sometimes can be a lifelong relationship?

Is it mutual admiration, common interests, the need to be a friend?
Or is it just an enduring tie that bonds you together,
allows you to almost think as one and gives you one of lifes greatest joys.

Friendships are precious jewels. Treat them as such.
Enjoy them!
Celebrate them! And never take them for granted.

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