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ingilizce hikaye 2

> 1 <


grup tuttuğum takım
Yarbay Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 3201 ileti
Yer: istanbul
İş: öğrenci
Kayıt: 20-06-2006 06:59

işletim sistemim [+][+3][+5] [-]
kırık link bildirimi Kırık Link Bildir! #91351 15-07-2006 09:23 GMT-1 saat    
VERY afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to go and play in the Giant's garden.

It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars, and there were twelve peach-trees that in the spring-time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them. "How happy we are here!" they cried to each other.

One day the Giant came back. He had been to visit his friend the Cornish ogre, and had stayed with him for seven years. After the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, and he determined to return to his own castle. When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden.

"What are you doing here?" he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away.

"My own garden is my own garden," said the Giant; "any one can understand that, and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself." So he built a high wall all round it, and put up a notice-board.

Bunu ilk beğenen siz olun

Hata Oluştu


grup tuttuğum takım
Teğmen Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 316 ileti
Yer: izmir
İş: öğrenci
Kayıt: 13-07-2006 09:43

işletim sistemim [+][+3][+5] [-]
#91357 15-07-2006 09:24 GMT-1 saat    
my sister e books your shop

Bunu ilk beğenen siz olun

Hata Oluştu


grup tuttuğum takım
Binbaşı Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 2082 ileti
Yer: Manhattan
İş: Öğrenci
Kayıt: 25-03-2006 08:01

işletim sistemim [+][+3][+5] [-]
#129171 11-10-2006 17:46 GMT-1 saat    
Mugomed anlamamınıda yazsaydın keşke..Anlardım.Daha 11 yaşında olduğum için pek ingilizce bilmem.Bir tek selamlaşmaları filan bilirim.

Bunu ilk beğenen siz olun

Hata Oluştu

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