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<Ders Serisi 21>Beatiful Horse(ingilizce hikaye)

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grup tuttuğum takım
Teğmen Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 1931 ileti
Kayıt: 05-05-2006 12:13

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kırık link bildirimi Kırık Link Bildir! #303440 31-05-2008 09:17 GMT-1 saat    
One day, when Temur was going hunting he wanted the Hodja to join him. In front of the palace, where the hunting started, they gave him an old, tired horse.
During the hunting suddenly it began to rain. Everybody put their horses to the gallop and ran away. But the Hodja couldn't… As the weather was hot he took off his clothes and put them under him. And so he returned slowly to the palace. When the rain was over he put on his clothes again.
When he arrived at the palace, his clothes were dry and Temur was most astonished.
“We all got wet”, he said. “How is it, that you are still dry?”
“Oh, Sir”, the Hodja replied. “With the help of this horse, I arrived at the palace without getting wet.”
Another hunting trip Temur wanted the horse which was given to the Hodja before. By a great coincidence it again began to rain and Temur got wet. When he came back to the palace he angrily called the Hodja and asked what it meant.
“Oh Sir,”, the Hodja said. “I am very sorry. I forgot to tell you, that you also had to put your clothes under you and then you would not get wet.”

Nasreddin Hodja

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